Congratulations to Gracie Shorey! Gracie has been accepted to UMaine. #Onward&Upward
11 months ago, Leilani Cyr
G Shorey
UMF has an incredible future teacher on their hands! Congratulations to Reyna Allen!
11 months ago, Andrew Henry
reyna allen
This dance is open to Nokomis Regional High students. Any Nokomis students attending the dance may bring one guest as long as they are enrolled at another high school and in good standing. Guest forms can be picked up in the Main Office. #GoWarriors
12 months ago, NOKOMIS
A big thank you and a shout out to the "A Smile For Students Project!" For the past few years, the Davis, McDougal and McMahon family prepares a Valentine's Day treat for all of the students in RSU19. Our students loved the treat and the kindness showered on them! #GoWarriors
12 months ago, NOKOMIS
Come out and help support the Nokomis Class of 2026 on February 20th!
12 months ago, Kristine Eisenhour
Come out and help support the Nokomis Class of 2026 on February 20th!
Sophomore Amber Haining has been chosen to represent Nokomis at the Maine Youth Leadership conference at the University of Southern Maine. Amber will spend four days this spring among other outstanding young leaders from across the state focusing on all aspects of leadership, character and volunteerism. Congratulations, Amber! Continue to let that Warrior spirit shine! #GoWarriors
about 1 year ago, Donyse Babin
Congratulations to Manny Howell on his literal handful of college acceptances! We celebrate your acceptance to UMaine, USM, Keene State, KVCC, EMCC, UMA, and UMF. We are so proud of you! #OnwardandUpward #GoWarriors
about 1 year ago, Donyse Babin
Freshmen in Mrs. Wilson's PACE class had the opportunity to read to students at SVES this week and loved every moment!
about 1 year ago, Amanda Wilson
Destiny Lancaster has been accepted to Husson, UMFK, WCCC, EMCC, SMCC, and NMCC. Congratulations, Destiny! #OnwardandUpward #GoWarriors
about 1 year ago, Donyse Babin
Here's to Evalynn on her acceptances to USM, UMPI, EMCC, and SMCC. Congratulations!! #OnwardandUpward #GoWarriors
about 1 year ago, Donyse Babin
Nokomis Boys and Gurls Basketball Raffle! Stop by school or a game to get your lucky ticket! #GoWarriors
about 1 year ago, Mary Nadeau
ATTENTION Seniors and Families! Nokomis Regional High is hosting a VIRTUAL Financial Aid Informational Night on Tuesday, December 12th at 6pm. There have been some major updates to the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Log-in to the event to find out about all the changes!! Nikki Vachon from FAME will be presenting and answering your questions. PLEASE COME CHECK IT OUT! Here is the link to the ZOOM MEETING for Tuesday 12/12 at 6pm: Please click the link below a few minutes before we start to test your audio/visual: Or join us by phone at 786-635-1003 Webinar ID 883-7409-6537
about 1 year ago, Leilani Cyr
"Are You A Mainer?" Students got to compete in a salsa making competition this week to showcase their work ready skills. The lucky judges shared their feedback with students after the winner was announced. Congrats to group 5!
over 1 year ago, Amanda Wilson
Nokomis students had the opportunity to explore Food Science and Nutrition today at UMaine Orono. They did everything from trying to identify fake maple syrup in a taste test in the sensory lab to making pizza with Professor Rob!
over 1 year ago, Amanda Wilson
During Warrior Day, Key Club and other students created dog toys out of old, donated t-shirts. It was a great success, and we will be doing it again next month. If you have old, but clean t-shirts you'd like to get rid of, please drop them off at the high school for Ms. Levasseur
over 1 year ago, Elizabeth Levasseur
Student and Key Clubbers making dog toys out of old t-shirts during Warrior Day today!
Student and Key Clubbers making dog toys out of old t-shirts during Warrior Day today!
Student and Key Clubbers making dog toys out of old t-shirts during Warrior Day today!
Student and Key Clubbers making dog toys out of old t-shirts during Warrior Day today!
Sophomore students in Mrs. Wilson's Employment Development class practiced their teamwork skills by becoming fashion designers for their classmates! #GoWarriors!
over 1 year ago, Amanda Wilson
Students in the new interdisciplinary elective "Are You A Mainah?" had the opportunity to visit with thirteen different professionals from a variety of careers last week. Thank you to all of these amazing adults who shared their careers and knowledge with our students!
over 1 year ago, Amanda Wilson
During Warrior Day, Key Club and other students created dog toys out of old, donated t-shirts. It was a great success, and we will be doing it again next month. If you have old, but clean t-shirts you'd like to get rid of, please drop them off at the high school for Ms. Levasseur
over 1 year ago, Elizabeth Levasseur
Student and Key Clubbers making dog toys out of old t-shirts during Warrior Day today!
Student and Key Clubbers making dog toys out of old t-shirts during Warrior Day today!
Student and Key Clubbers making dog toys out of old t-shirts during Warrior Day today!
Student and Key Clubbers making dog toys out of old t-shirts during Warrior Day today!
Check out Nokomis' "Are you a Mainer?" class featured on the Maine Principals' Association, "Positive Story of the Day". #GoWarriors
over 1 year ago, NOKOMIS
Nokomis Field Hockey hosting Belfast in a big Class B match-up! No score in the middle of the 2nd period. #GoWarriors
over 1 year ago, Mary Nadeau