We are currently reviewing our high school and middle school extra-curricular and participation policies as they relate to students who are not enrolled in our District.
Presently, a student enrolled in an equivalent instruction program is eligible for co-curricular activities provided that written approval has been granted, the student meets and agrees to all rules applicable to enrolled students, and that the activity is not already at capacity with enrolled students. Please refer to policy Code: JJIAA Private School Students Access to Public School Co-curricular, Interscholastic and Extra Curricular Activities for more detailed information.
Access to extracurricular and interscholastic activities for public Charter Schools is specified in Maine Revised Statutes Title 20-A, Chapter 112, § 2415. RSU 19 does not have a written agreement for extra-curricular and interscholastic activities with any Charter school. If a school team is unable to meet capacity with the school’s enrolled students, then a student from a Charter school may be afforded the opportunity to play, provided the process outlined in policy JJIAA has been followed. Town Recreation Departments may offer opportunities for students to participate in their programs.