This afternoon at SVES we practiced our evacuation plan in response to a fire alarm. As is procedure for us during some drills and any real events, the fire department responded. Please be assured there is no emergency happening at the school.
3 days ago, Laura Donahue
18 days ago, Laura Donahue
It's almost that time again! Open House will be held at SVES on August 27th from 5:00-6:00pm. AM PK students attend Open House from 5:00-5:30pm and PM PK students attend from 5:45-6:15pm.
Our first day of school is Wednesday, August 28th.
26 days ago, Laura Donahue
If your child(ren) will have a change in transportation for this 24/25 school year, please contact us at Sebasticook Valley Elementary School at 207-368-4592 so we can update that prior to the start of school.
about 1 month ago, Laura Donahue
Starting with the 2024/2025 school year, the majority of the annual student information paperwork that is sent home at the beginning of the school year will be completed online for all students in RSU 19. Parents and guardians will now be able to enter the information through their Infinite Campus Parent Portal App. If you don't have an Infinite Campus Parent Portal account, you can get one by emailing We ask that this be completed before school begins on August 28th. Laptops and support will be available at the school for those that need it, including during Open House on August 27th. Thank you and please reach out if you have any questions.
about 2 months ago, Laura Donahue
This is a reminder that our Wildcats to Warriors Ceremony for 4th grade students is tomorrow morning, June 13th, at 9:00am. Also, tomorrow is a half day for all students and the only lunch choice tomorrow will be a turkey and cheese sandwich, there will be no choice #2 . Buses will leave the school at 11:30am. Parent pick-ups are dismissed at 11:40am. Tomorrow is our last day of school. Happy summer vacation to all!
3 months ago, Laura Donahue
This is a reminder that SVES has field day tomorrow, June 10th. This year the district requires a waiver for your student to use the inflatable obstacle course. Please be sure to send that in with your child on Monday morning if you have not already. Also remember to send in a towel and change of clothes for the wet activities. Applying sunscreen and bug spray at home the morning of is strongly encouraged. You are welcome to send in sunscreen for your child to reapply it throughout the day. It will be important for your child to have their water bottle, as they will be traveling to outdoor stations for most of the day.
3 months ago, Laura Donahue
Our "Fun Friday" wear your favorite beach wear(no bathing suits) is being moved to Friday, June 7th. Also a reminder that here at SVES tonight we have the district fourth grade beginning band concert at 6:30pm. Students are asked to arrive by 6:00pm. Tomorrow, May 30th we have our PK-2 concert at 9:30am. Friday, May 31st we have our grade 3-4 concert at 9:30am. We hope to see you at these events!
4 months ago, Laura Donahue
This week at SVES our beginning band elementary students across our district will be performing at 6:30pm on Wednesday, May 29th in the SVES gym. Band students will need their instruments during the school day on Wednesday for rehearsals. The PK-2 spring concert will be held on Thursday, May 30th at 9:30am. The grade 3-4 spring concert will be held on Friday, May 31st at 9:30am. The high school Spanish Club will be selling 50/50 tickets during these events. 1 ticket for $1.00 or 10 tickets for $5.00. We will be opening up the bus lane directly in front of the school for parking for these events. We will open the doors to Thursday and Fridays concerts at 9:00am.
4 months ago, Laura Donahue
SVES will be having our walk-a-thon/jog-a-thon tomorrow. Please make sure your child has a water bottle with them. It is looking to be a hot day, so please have your child dress in light clothing. Applying sunscreen at home in the morning before children come to school will help to prevent sunburns. Also, we have some fire drills scheduled over the next few weeks. Newport fire department often joins us for drills and may be here with the fire truck for some of them. Lastly, Friday is an early release day and there will be no school on Monday, May 27th in observance of Memorial Day.
4 months ago, Laura Donahue
This is a reminder that SVES fourth grade students have a field trip on Monday, May 13th to the symphony. The bus is leaving for this event around 9:45AM and they will be gone until close to 2:00PM. They will be taking a cold lunch with them on the trip. Last but not least, Happy Mother's Day to all the moms receiving this message today!
4 months ago, Laura Donahue
This is a reminder that SVES is hosting a grandparent's day lunch tomorrow for all grandparents that signed up. There will be no second option for student's tomorrow at lunch. The only lunch being served is chicken and gravy or students are welcome to bring a lunch from home. If your child is going home with a grandparent, please send in a note in the morning to help with a smooth dismissal process. We are excited to welcome grandparents in for this event.
4 months ago, Laura Donahue
If you are receiving this message then I have still not received the photographs of your 4th grade child for our end of year ceremony. Please email three photos, a current photo, baby photo and one of your choosing to Thank you for your help with this.
5 months ago, Laura Donahue
This is a reminder that all the forms for Grandparent's day lunch need to be returned to school no later than Monday, April 29th. If your child has a grandparent that they want to attend this event on March 10th, please make sure forms and the $5.00 lunch payment are returned on Monday.
5 months ago, Laura Donahue
As the parent/guardian of a fourth grade student at SVES you will be invited to a Wildcats to Warriors celebration at the end of the school year. There will be more information on this to come. In preparation for this ceremony, I am asking for parents to please email 3 photographs of your fourth grade child. Please try to email one current photo, one baby photo and one of your choosing. All photos should be emailed to and should contain your child's first and last name in the subject line. The sooner that you are able to send them, the better! Thank you for your help in making this day a special celebration for your 4th grade child.
5 months ago, Laura Donahue
This is a reminder that there is no school this Friday, April 12th leading into April Vacation. Students will return to school from break on Monday, April 22nd.
Also a reminder that morning drop off starts at 7:40am. There is not adequate coverage for students to be dropped off prior to 7:40am. Please look for the staff members outside who assist with drop off before dropping your child off.
5 months ago, Laura Donahue
This is a reminder that there is no school for Kindergarten students at SVES today due to K registration for the 24-25 school year.
5 months ago, Sebsticook Valley Elementary School
This is a reminder that there will be no after school programs at SVES tonight due to conferences.
6 months ago, Laura Donahue
PK Registration at Sebasticook Valley Elementary School is April 11th. If you have a child that will be 4 years of age on or before October 15th then they are eligible to register. Please help spread the word!
Kindergarten Registration at Sebasticook Valley Elementary School is April 4th and 5th.
Students that are 5 years of age on or before October 15th are eligible to enroll.
If you have any questions or would like to register your child, please call the school at 207-368-4592.
6 months ago, Laura Donahue
This is a reminder that Family Literacy Night is TONIGHT from 5:00-6:00pm at SVES. We hope to see you there!
6 months ago, Laura Donahue