Here are some important updates and contact information from our school nurse, Megan Soden. 24 days ago, David Page
Here is the link to important information and updates for the upcoming school year, including Nokomis Regional Middle School's cell phone policy. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you all soon! 25 days ago, David Page
Good afternoon Warrior Nation!!
Attached you will find a link to the Nokomis Regional Middle School Welcome Letter. Included will be information about Open House, our new online registration system and how to access your child's homeroom! I hope all is well and you enjoy an amazing rest of your summer!! about 1 month ago, David Page
about 1 month ago, RSU 19
Nokomis Regional Middle School will be hosting our annual Open House on Monday, August 26. We will begin by opening the school up to our incoming 5th grade students only from 5 to 6PM. From 6 to 7:30pm, we invite ALL middle schoolers and their families to come in, meet their teachers and tour the building. We look forward to seeing you all and kick off the school year!
about 2 months ago, David Page
Starting with the 2024/2025 school year, the annual student information paperwork that is sent home at the beginning of the school year will be completed online. Parents and guardians will now be able to enter the information through their Infinite Campus Parent Portal App. If you don't have an Infinite Campus Parent Portal account, you can get one by emailing We ask that this be completed before school begins on August 28. Laptops and support will be available at the school for those that need it, including during Open House on August 26. Thank you and please reach out if you have any questions.
2 months ago, David Page
4 months ago, Daniel Young
Here is information about a new program being offered by the State of Maine to help with food insecurity. "Did you know that Maine is launching a new program this summer to help you feed your children when school is out? SUN Bucks will provide eligible families with $120 in grocery benefits per child that you can use to get food this summer. Find out if your child qualifies: "
4 months ago, David Page
Good Morning! Nokomis Regional Middle School will be hosting parent conferences tonight and tomorrow, April 2 & 3. We have several tables set up in front of the gym with lost and found items collected over the last few months. Please stop by and take any items home that belong to you. Anything still left heading into April vacation will be donated.
6 months ago, David Page
NRMS Yearbooks for Sale
9 months ago, RSU 19
Tomorrow our NRMS students will begin their Fall Maine Through Year
assessments. 5th and 8th grade will be kicking off Monday and Tuesday; 6th and 7th on
Wednesday and Thursday. Please encourage your students to come in and put their best effort forward!
11 months ago, David Page
Good Morning!
I just wanted to remind you that we have two Open Houses coming up this week! The first is on Monday, August 28 from 5:30 to 6:30 for all incoming 5th graders. The second will be held on Wednesday, August 30 from 5:30 to 6:30 for grades 6, 7 and 8. We look forward to seeing you all then!
about 1 year ago, David Page
Attention NRMS 8th Grade Families: The 8th grade Recognition Night ceremony on Tuesday, June 13th from 6-7 p.m. will be livestreamed. The link below will take you to the livestream. If for any reason you have issues with the link, just go to the RSU #19 YouTube page and look for the video feed that says, "8th Grade Recognition Night". Just a reminder that all 8th grade students should arrive by 5:45 in order to be ready for the event!
over 1 year ago, Angela Brown
Attention RSU 19 Families- On Sunday, June 4th, we are spraying for grubs on the Nokomis campus on both sides of the road. For everyone's safety, no students or public will be allowed on the fields until Monday, June 5th. Thank you for your patience and understanding. RSU #19 Facilities Dept.
over 1 year ago, Angela Brown
Attention RSU #19 Families: We are spraying the fields for grubs on the Nokomis Campus on both sides of the road on Sunday, May 21st. For everyone's safety, no students or public will be allowed on the fields until Monday, May 22nd. Thank you for your patience and understanding. RSU#19 Facilities Dept.
over 1 year ago, Angela Brown
Attention NRMS Families- The Spring Open House scheduled for this evening (Wednesday, April 5th) has been cancelled and will be moved to Monday, April 10th from 3-6 p.m. Thursday's Open House will be from 2:30-7:00. 8th grade staff will be reaching out soon to reschedule the 8th grade conferences that were scheduled for tonight. All after school activities and practices have been cancelled as well. All students should go home after school today. Please contact the school if you have any questions!
over 1 year ago, Angela Brown
Good evening, this is Angela Brown, Principal of Nokomis Regional Middle School. I am calling to remind families that our Spring open house nights are this Wednesday, April 5th from 3-7 and Thursday, April 6th from 3-6:30.Families with students in grades 5-7 are welcome to come visit the staff and classrooms on either night. 8th grade teachers have established a conference schedule in order to discuss the high school classes for next year so there are set times for each 8th grade student/family. If you need a time, please reach out to your 8th grade child's homeroom teacher. We will also have lost and found items available for parents to go through if their child is missing anything. Those items are located in the main hallway near the gym.We hope to see you on one of the open house nights this week! Have a great evening!
over 1 year ago, Angela Brown
Attention NRMS families-All after school activities have been canceled. All students should be going home at the end of the day today, 3/2/23.
over 1 year ago, Angela Brown
Attention NRMS Families; As you are probably aware, tomorrow, Friday, Feb. 3rd is going to be extremely cold so it's crucial that students dress in warm clothing. They will NOT be going outside at all, however, they will need all skin covered as they travel into the building in the morning and out of the building at the end of the day. Hats, mittens, face coverings, jackets, shoes/boots/sneakers, and dressing in layers would be considered necessities in weather as cold as this. Thank you in advance for your attention to this very important weather safety alert.
over 1 year ago, Angela Brown